World pangolin day

body { text-align: justify} What are pangolins? These peculiar creatures are nothing like any other animal, and they tend to create confusion for the people who see them for the first time. On a closer glimpse, they look like a hybrid between an anteater and a pinecone, which doesn’t really help to clear the confusion. They are weird enough to have at least one pokemon inspired after a pangolin - Sandslash. [Read More]

Why is the Amazon burning?

h3 { /* Header 3 */ font-size: 0px; font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; color: DarkBlue; } body { text-align: justify} In August 1959, NASA satellite Explorer 6 was launched. Its purpose was to study Earth’s magnetosphere and follow up on the research of Van Allen radiation belts which were discovered by a previous satellite from the same program - Explorer 1. Explorer 6 was the first satellite that captured a crude picture of Earth’s surface, starting a revolution in how we see and perceive the Earth. [Read More]